Thursday, January 16, 2014

Why Blackfish? My Critique on Blackfish

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Blackfish is a documentary movie on killer whales, SeaWorld, and killer whales in captivity.

I recently read an article written by Tim Zimmerman, who co-wrote and helped produce the movie, and in the article ( he discussed his surprise with the success of the movie at getting people to see the movie makers' point of view.

1.    Who is Tim Zimmerman, and are his opinions credible?

2.    What are the reasons for the making of Blackfish?

3.    Describe the "Blackfish effect".

4.    What do you think the author wants from SeaWorld?

5.    Do you think SeaWorld will comply? Why?

6.    Do you think SeaWorld has been treated fairly? Why?

Monday, January 6, 2014

Human Impact on Marine Ecosystems - Blackfish Critique

from Electric Shadows
[intro] The movie Blackfish is a documentary movie about killer whales and their quality of life, living in captivity in places like SeaWorld.

[essential question #1] My opinion of SeaWorld changed after watching the movie. At first, I did not have good or bad opinions about SeaWorld. I was indifferent.

After watching the movie however, I now have a negative opinion about SeaWorld. I feel the company cares more about making a profit over anything--the animals' welfare or their employees' welfare.

[essential question #2] In the movie SeaWorld began capturing killer whales about 40 years ago off the coast of Washington state. The capture methods that were used were disturbing to me because they targeted the baby whales, and when one was captured the entire pod of whales chose not to scatter and leave their young ones to be taken. This was emotional and sad for me.