Friday, October 31, 2014

Unions in America; Industrial Revolution & Today

A fast food worker smiling as she earns $9/hour
Fast Food Worker's Lament

My Struggle is so real
My Smile is so not
Here's the food that will kill you
Nine dollars an hour is all I got

They sit at their desks in that big city
The CEO out on his yacht
I'm like a slave
This is all I got

The SD news said I was dumb
Poverty should be my lot
Them newspaper folks with their big checks,
and Houses, but this is all I got

If I had my chance, I would make them all feel
What it's like to take a financial shot
They wouldn't like bleeding
Everything they got

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Industrial Revolution in the U.S. (The Movie)

“The Collier”. First painting of a locomotive.
Watercolour of George Walker representing
the Blenkinsop's locomotive hauling coal
wagons at the Middleton Colliery in 1814
Source: wikipedia
The GoAnimate Video - Part One is here

Part Two is here.

iMovie Tutorial

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Industrial Revolution

The Erie Canal was a man-made waterway, which help to transport products and people from one place to another. The canal was significant because no longer did American need a natural river to move important resources; men and women just made waterways.

Free enterprise and entrepreneurs were significant during the Industrial Revolution because...